Statistics consistently reveal the obvious – the most financially insecure Americans are the ones that are most likely to experience financial anxiety. By mid-2021, more than half (60%) of Americans reported feeling that uneasy feeling, which doesn’t bode well for understanding the financial health of the nation as a whole. If the majority of our citizens are feeling financially insecure, then are we really thriving through this pandemic?
Previous stimulus checks have helped boost the economy, supported financially vulnerable Americans, and helped stave off a potential collapse. So, is a fourth stimulus check a good idea? What’s the latest stimulus check update as we head into the holiday season in 2021? Learn everything you need to know about previous stimulus checks and the next stimulus check below.
The First Stimulus Check
April of 2020 seems like an entirely different world. Remember back when you first heard news of the globe reacting to the novel coronavirus? April was the first month that children were home from schools, cities were locking down, and most Americans were ordered to stay at home. Due to not having a choice about working or not, the government had no real option but to issue immediate financial assistance to those in need.
Thus, the first stimulus check was born. The IRS, which already oversees Americans’ personal finances, issued out over $2.2 trillion in the form of checks to each eligible American adult. Each adult was given $1,200. Americans who filed taxes in 2019 had their share deposited right into their bank accounts, while others were sent a paper check via snail mail.
If you never received the first stimulus check, then you need to find out why. The IRS does have a tracking tool, so it’s in your best interests to ensure that your check didn’t get mailed to someone else or lost along the way.
The Second Stimulus Check
The first stimulus check was considered a massive success. According to the Congressional Budget Office, it’s estimated that the first stimulus checks increased economic input by about 0.6%. That number may not seem that large, but it makes a huge impact on the country.
That’s why the government decided to issue a second stimulus check by Jan 15, 2021 when the pandemic’s impacts were still gripping the nation. This second stimulus amounted to $600 per person. It extended the benefits from just adults to also each dependent under the age of 17.
If you never received any stimulus money, then you may need to claim these funds the next time you file your taxes.
The Third Stimulus Check
By March of 2021, Americans had experienced an entire year of coronavirus restrictions. The economy still was going strong, though, and many attribute that fact to the increase in stimulus money, unemployment benefits, and other benefits.
Again, Congress decided it was in the best interests of everyone involved to issue another stimulus check to help relieve Americans in need. Households that earned below $150,000 or head of households that made under $112,500 were eligible to receive $1,400 per adult and $1,400 per child.
As expected, this crucial financial relief was much needed, and it helped most Americans avoid financial distress during the crisis.
The Potential Fourth Stimulus Check
So, when is the next stimulus check going to arrive? Will there be a 4th stimulus check? As we head into December of 2021, we’re still facing the threat of Covid-19. Economies are still struggling to cope, and now, the global supply chain is starting to break down, too. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, too. Families who have been receiving monthly child tax credits will soon find that payment coming to an end. Unemployed Americans who have gotten extra pandemic benefits have also seen their additional benefits end, too.
With all that in mind, it’s possible that Congress may act to provide more stimulus money to Americans in need. As of now, though, these talks are all just murmurs. A recent online petition for Americans to receive a monthly payment of $2,000 until the pandemic ends has also almost reached 3 million signatures.
Stimulus Check Update as of December 2021
So, what’s the most recent stimulus check update as of December 2021? Right now, there are many talks going on in Congress. It remains unclear what the future holds, but it is likely that some form of government assistance will happen if the global financial system continues to struggle. With that in mind, it’s best not to rely on the notion that you’ll get a new stimulus check. Remember, this type of assistance is never guaranteed.
Do you have overwhelming debt that not even a fourth stimulus check would solve? Has debt that you took on in the past continued to keep you in chains in the present? Get the help you deserve by reaching out to our debt experts today. Leave your contact information on our online form to get in touch with one of our debt experts about your situation. Together, we’ll find a debt relief solution that works for you.

Gabriel Gorelik paves the way for customer service and operations at United Settlement. He is passionate about numbers and holds a strong belief in helping anyone with their debt. Before United Settlement, Gabriel received his BS in Finance & Economics from Brooklyn College. After graduation, Gabriel went on to build his first financial services company where he managed thousands of accounts for business and consumer clients. He understands the importance of client satisfaction, professionalism, and exceeding expectations.